
Reclaimed Product Myth #2: "Doors Unhinged doesn’t have all the materials I need, so I can’t order from them.”

Reclaimed Product Myth #2: "Doors Unhinged doesn’t have all the materials I need, so I can’t order from them.”

When it comes to choosing building products, architects, contractors and property owners looking to hit sustainability goals or save money can go reclaimed: drama-free and fuss-free. Find out how with Doors Unhinged as we work to reveal the truth behind some of the most common alternative facts about going reclaimed--including how we source doors and make them available for resale.

We know that not everyone has grown comfortable (yet) with the idea of using previously-owned doors, frames and hinges in their build-outs. Building professionals have a lot of questions about how the process works, and whether reclaimed products are up to snuff to meet their requirements.

To settle the score, we’re sharing the simple truth about going reclaimed in our new series, Reclaimed Product Myths Debunked. Each week, you’ll learn:

  • What’s required of decision makers and buyers in the going reclaimed process;
  • what it’s like to work with Doors Unhinged to complete a new-build or renovation project;
  • how architects, contractors and other building professionals can tweak their process to help us drive the circular economy;
  • and more answers to your biggest reclaimed product questions.

Let us know if you have any particular questions or concerns about going reclaimed, and we’ll be sure to add them to our running list. We are thrilled to have your support in debunking every last alternative fact about reclaimed materials. Why? To help you reach your sustainability goals, save money, and bring high-quality, gently-used products back into circulation!

And now, Myth #2.

Myth #2: “Doors Unhinged probably won’t have all the precise materials I need, so I can’t order from them.”

No product distributor will always have every product on spec at their warehouse, and the same is true for Doors Unhinged. However, it’s very likely we’ll have some of what you need. As for the rest? The answer is simple: If you can’t go fully reclaimed, go hybrid.

One of the most common ways we fulfill our customers’ door packages is to incorporate the reclaimed products we do have available, and then supplement the remainder of their order with new doors or parts that we order direct from our supplier.

Our partners at Jendoco Construction went hybrid for the renovation they did of the new Contemporary Craft art exhibition and education space that was completed in early 2020. They needed 15 doors total for offices, closets, rest rooms and storage. We had 11 reclaimed doors and matching hardware to fit their specs. When they heard we were shy a few, they didn’t just walk away.

They were committed to choosing the most sustainable option available for their building. And, as a nonprofit organization, the Contemporary Craft board were attracted to the cost-savings we could offer.

So, instead of calling the whole thing off, Doors Unhinged acquired four new doors and matching hardware direct from our supplier for them. We handled all the paperwork, ordering and delivery particulars to simplify the process, too, just as any subcontractor would.

Choosing a hybrid used/new model allowed Contemporary Craft to:

  • achieve the level of sustainable design they desired;
  • support the circular economy by diverting an entire ton of material from the waste stream,
  • save money by choosing a majority of pre-owned door systems, and
  • support local businesses, which is part of their mission.

Going reclaimed doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing commitment. The hybrid, ‘some used/some new’ model will still get you the environmental and money-saving benefits you need.

Want to learn more about what products are in stock? Schedule a warehouse visit here, or check out some of our other completed projects here.

Check back next week for more Reclaimed Product Myths Debunked! In the meantime, be sure to follow Doors Unhinged on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and don’t miss our new YouTube channel!

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