
The Doors Unhinged Team is Growing! Please Welcome Our New Operations Director

The Doors Unhinged Team is Growing! Please Welcome Our New Operations Director

It’s been a long time coming, but we couldn’t be happier to finally make this exciting announcement. As you know, finding the absolute right-fitting person to assume a specialized role in a small, tight-knit company that’s performing a service no other business in the nation is offering sure takes a lot of patience and trust.

Thank goodness for our amazing network of friends, supporters, colleagues and customers who sent us great people to fill this role. In particular, we want to thank you for sending us our official new OD, Rob Lagorio.

Rob actually came onboard back in August, but we’ve kept him insanely busy every day since—establishing new time-saving processes and quality controls, helping to build our forthcoming product line, installing and removing doors from our partners’ renovation sites, fixing locks, and putting a much-needed sense of order to our sometimes chaotic warehouse!

His practical knowledge, strategic vision, willingness to learn, and above all, enthusiasm for making the world a better place have given Doors Unhinged an edge and a sense of cohesion we didn’t even realize we needed.

With a background in the mental health and education fields, Rob brings with him a long history of supervisory experience, incredible communication skills—especially when it comes to engaging with our customers—know-how with regard to technical capabilities, and a refreshing ‘already-took-care-of that’ attitude. All that has given us a ton of flexibility, more power, and the precious gift of time back to our executive, Andrew.

“Moving the culture along to bring about positive change in a way that people are receptive to, as far as helping to support wider adoption of material reuse in commercial construction, is a skill I’m really enjoying using here. It parallels some of the work I did in the past, in the mental health field, where I was helping people who needed to make necessary changes in their lives to move forward with a different mindset. I do see similarities between those efforts and how, here, we’re guiding our customers to embrace a new mindset, which is to be open to the idea of incorporating reclaimed doors into their buildings. It’s really cool to be part of a company that offers more than just a sensible product, but one that’s of such high quality, as well.”

-Rob Lagorio, Project Manager, Doors Unhinged

What this also means for you is that, sooner or later, you’ll have the privilege of meeting, working and laughing with Rob yourselves. He’ll be your go-to guy on most of the practical, logistical and management aspects of your projects, not to mention he’ll quickly become your official pun-master. (If you’ve already made his acquaintance, you know what we mean. He is a proper Englishman, after all.)

When you see him, make sure to mention how big a fan you are of Newcastle United, his favorite European football (aka soccer) team. And ask him how amazing his wife and three adorable kids are if you want to watch him gush. (They totally are wonderful people!)

Thanks for being here, Rob. We’re looking forward to a bright future as we open the doorway to new opportunities together!

(Come on, we had to throw in a really awful pun just for you, Rob!)

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